VC Comic Pack Wish List

 Comic Packs. Back in the days of the Legacy Collection from 2008-2009 we got a lot of memorable figures. But they got their actual start in the 30th Anniversary line with the Kir Kanos/Carnor Jax Crimson Empire pack in 2007. They came with 2 figures and a reprinted comic book. This line was memorable for the figures we got. Sure we got a few extra Luke Skywalker's, Leia Organa's and a couple Darth Vader figures. But we also got some great Legends figures. The previously mentioned Kir Kanos & Carnor Jax, Marvel Comics 1980's characters Fenn Shysa, Tobbi Dala and the villainess Lumiya. We also got Cade Skywalker, Darth Talon, Deliah Blue, Darth Krayt and various Imperial Knights from the Legacy Comic Series. One of my favorite Comic Packs had Vilmarh "Villie" Grakh and Quinlan Vos who were in the Dark Horse Republic monthly series. Great figures and great varieties!

But there is a point to this. Marvel is soon to publish their 100th Star Wars comic book since getting the license back. The comics as I've said many times have had the best new stories in the Disney Canon era, especially the 2nd Darth Vader monthly series. But some characters created for the comics have crossed over into being mentioned in some some shows and have even gotten action figures from Hasbro. I've selected 6 comic packs, for a total of 12 figures. New tooling wouldn't really be needed all that much, and while probably not necessary the comic book will be reprinted. Now individual comic numbers for these Packs will be hard to do but I'll tell you which series they appeared in. Sadly no Legends characters here. I'll save that for another post.

1. Darth Vader & Sabe. From the 3rd Darth Vader monthly series, Padme's decoy and Darth Vader have made a good team. For Vader they can repack the one coming from the Kenobi VC line, while Sabe could be a repainted Bo Katan with a new holster and head sculpt. Sabe just needs a blaster pistol.

2. Luke Skywalker vs Sgt Kreel. Kreel is a Force sensitive Stormtrooper squad leader who used a green bladed lightsaber. This would be a simple, and easy repack. For Luke just use the Yavin Celebration Luke, and include Anakin's lightsaber. For Kreel, use the Stormtrooper from the upcoming Wal Mart exclusive wave as it has rocking ankles. Give him a Sergeant's pauldron, a blaster and green bladed lightsaber. Easy.

3. Cheli Lona Aphra & Sana Starros. From the current Dr Aphra comic series, here is a fan favorite couple who may or may not be on again. But they are working together, and get into all sorts of trouble. There already is an Aphra figure so that's an easy repack. For Sana, just use the buck from the upcoming Reva figure, add a new head sculpt and a belt with a holster for her blaster.

4. Ben Kenobi vs Black Krrsantan. These 2 went at it in a flashback story in the Star Wars monthly. Ben can be a repaint of the upcoming VC Ben Kenobi from his miniseries. Krrsantan can be a repaint of the Wookie Warrior with new chest armor. The swivel elbows may not be a favorite with fans but I doubt a new Wookiee sculpt is coming for Krrsantan as shown by his upcoming Black Series figure.

5. Han Solo & Chewbacca. From the Han Solo/Chewbacca monthly this would be a big seller. Taking the Han buck from the VC Han Solo from the Solo A Star Wars Story figure would be easy. But use a head that looks like Harrison Ford for Han. For Chewbacca just repack the Wal Mart 3.75 Black Series Chewie. Han would just need to be painted in his comic colors.

6. Leia Organa vs Commander Zahra. I would really prefer Leia vs Queen Trios. But to make Trios would mean a brand new sculpt.  A Hoth Leia with new boots could easily be done. Zahra would need to be a repainted Ysanne Isard figure, but with a new head sculpt. The Isard buck was also used for a Bastila Shan comic pack, and for Juno Eclipse in The Force Unleashed. Zahra needs a sword and blaster while Leia just needs a blaster. 


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