Why The Book Of Boba Fett Isn't Meeting Expectations

 So far, the review of The Book of Boba Fett has been mixed. Some like it, some don't. Well, actually a lot of people don't. But, I have thoughts as to why that is. Now, I haven't seen the episodes, mainly reviews and reactions to the episodes, so take that into account. We all have enjoyed what Favreau and Filoni did with The Mandalorian, and say what you want to now, they have been shown to be good story tellers. So yes, it's slow now. But this series doesn't feel like a 100 yard dash, but a marathon. So here are my thoughts:

1. Hard core fans have their own thoughts about Boba Fett. Yep, admit it. You all do. In the movies he barely spoke. In the animated Clone Wars series we got glimpses into the type of man he would become. We want him to be cool, dispatch enemies in cold blooded fashion, and being a badass. I am at the age when I remembered reading about Obi-Wan and Anakin's fight in the ROTJ novel, and had this image of how it went in my head. Then seeing it onscreen, it failed to live up to my expectations. I feel this is a problem of sorts for BOBF.

2. "Crowns are inherited, kingdoms are earned". This old saying was used before an episode of The Clone Wars and I think it really fits this show perfectly. Fett inherited the crown after blasting Bib Fortuna. He inherited the crown. But that doesn't mean he has earned the kingdom. He has opposition, he has other issues to. He's been a bounty hunter for years, he's after targets. Now he IS the target. He also has no clue how to run an organization like Jabba's. King Arthur took years to build the round table, Rome took years to build. Don Corleone worked hard to get to where he was, same with Michael Corleone. For Boba to earn his kingdom, he's going to take a few beatings.

3. One world Star Wars is boring. Okay. Got it. Battlestar Galactica took place mostly on the ships they were in to flee the Cylon attack. Tatooine is a world where crime lords live, like Jabba and now Boba has taken over. We haven't seen all of Tatooine. Only pieces of Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, Jabba's Palace and where Luke lived, plus Ben Kenobi's hut. Plus we'll see it in Kenobi. We don't really know all it has to offer. Season 2 of The Mandalorian showed a little side we haven't seen before. It's a mystery that will be revealed in time. Maybe we will get to see other places in time, but Tatooine is where it's at. If BSG could work in a limited environment so can BOBF.

4. This isn't Star Wars. Well, no it isn't. This is a side of the universe we have never seen before. The Mandalorian did the same thing but it connected to the Empire and then the New Republic to Luke Skywalker. It took 2 years to get Grogu to Luke, it is going to take time for this story to be told so it CAN connect to the rest of the Star Wars universe. Maybe it will connect to the larger story, but then again it may not. Criminal lead dramas are new territory for Star Wars. So this is new territory for it.

5. The show runners can be trusted. This is the most important point. Just as Charles Soule is the best comic book writer for Star Wars, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni put great stuff together for The Mandalorian. Filoni worked well with George Lucas in Clone Wars, and while Rebels was intended for a younger audience still managed to be well regarded by adults. Favreau set the tone for the Marvel Film Universe, and has shown he's good at story telling. We can trust them here. Good stories take time.

So there you have it, my reasons why BOBF hasn't quite lived up to expectations. Maybe there will be some great revaltion that will blow our minds! Or maybe there will be a whole episode about the Vespa gang from Mos Espa. Regardless, I trust the people behind and in front of the camera. You have actors and actresses who are enthusiastic about this, and I've spoken highly enough about Favreau and Filoni. Now please don't let me down here...okay?! 


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