What My Fan Fiction Story Would Have Been

 So, I decided against doing my fan fiction which involved Rey going back in time to stop the rise of Abeloth, and this would of course put the sequel trilogy in an alternate universe.  I had the first story plotted out,, and will share that plus the other 2 parts which I had only begun to summarize. I had intended to only use Abeloth from Legends but it became necessary to use a couple Legends characters as the story progressed.

Part one of the story would have begun with Rey Skywalker  and Finn confronting Abeloth on Chalindra, the new captial of The New Republic. Abeloth would kill Finn, and destroy Rey's lightsaber. But before she could absorb Rey, Rey is taken into the World Between Worlds by the spirit of Anakin Skywalker. There, Anakin shows Rey how Abeloth was able to form a connection to Palpatine, just as she had formed a connection to Ben Solo. When Palpatine first died, Abeloth awakened but was weakened. She took over the body of a woman who served the Emperor and used her as a host while she could regain her strength. When Rey killed Palpatine on Exegol, Abeloth was able to absorb that energy and become all powerful. Rey had only been training her Jedi, including Finn for almost 5 years at this point, and there were not enough Knights to stop Abeloth. However, if she goes into the past, and along with Luke kill Palpatine at Exegol, a very weakened Abeloth would be able to be defeated, and Luke could begin training new Jedi in the way he was taught, and not in the tradition as Obi-Wan and Yoda were trained. Anakin would tell Rey that after Endor, for some reason Luke could not hear what they were telling him, but he could see them. Obi-Wan and Yoda appear and a portal to the Ewok Village opens. Rey is then handed a cloth which contain the lightsabers she buried on Tatooine. Anakin tells Rey to show Luke his old lightsaber, and that Luke will be able to determine she is telling the truth. Taking the Skywalker lightsabers, Rey goes to Endor just as she sees the images of Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin fade from view as she sees Luke, Han and Leia still alive. Working up some courage she takes out the lightsaber she once used and walks towards them. Lando notices her and says his signature line "Hello! Who do we have here?!" As Rey shows Luke her lightsaber. She tells them that they all need to talk in private, Chewie and the droids as well. They find an empty area and Rey tells them Palpatine isn't dead. He's on a planet called Exegol, and can take them there. Lando says "Why do all the beautiful women have to be crazy?" Han and Leia don't believe her but Luke does. If there is a chance to truly bring freedom to the galaxy, it has to be done. Lando then asks how she knows this, and Rey tells them she is from the future. She also tells Luke, Han and Leia what happens and more importantly to Han and Leia's son Ben. She does not however, tell them how they die. Only that Ben's fall to the dark side breaks up Han and Leia and sends Luke to leave the known galaxy. Leia senses she is telling the truth, a sign she is indeed strong in the Force. Leia tells them she will convince Mon Mothma and Ackbar to handle this, but they have to go now. They take the Falcon to Home One.

Mon Mothma and Ackbar do not think this is valid, despite the appeals of Luke and Leia. Lando volunteers to lead the ships and Han any ground personnel who want to go. Rey then tells them that there are Star destroyers being built with planet killing weapons, and the all the data on building them is on Exegol.  Ackbar agrees and they get to work on getting ships, fighters and ground forces. While Han and Lando are busy, Luke and Rey start training Leia. Luke has no clue on how to train, so Rey suggests starting Leia training the way he started, using the remote from the Falcon. Rey hands Leia the lightsaber she would one day construct but Luke stops her. Luke instead takes his old lightsaber and notices that is has been altered. Rey explains it exploded and she fixed it to suit her needs. Luke nods his head and hands Leia the lightsaber that once belonged to their father. "I don't know much about training, but you do need to accept that Anakin Skywalker, not Darth Vader is your biological father. Using this will not only connect you to him, but possibly learn to forgive him one day." Rey says nothing and hooks Leia's lightsaber to her belt as Leia ignites the Skywalker lightsaber and duels the remote. Leia struggles as Luke once did. He hands her a helmet with the blast shield down and tells her to duel the remote this way. Leia looks confused as she puts it on. Before she ignites her lightsaber Rey tells Leia to see the room and the remote in her mind. Once she does that, ignite the lightsaber. Leia nods her head. A moment later she ignites the lightsaber and deflects the blaster bolts, as Luke had once done. As they go to Exegol, they give her more training. When not training, Leia is torn over what Rey told her about her son falling to the dark side. She tells Han she still loves him, but the priority now should be this battle and restoring the Republic. Han, after talking with Rey while putting a new dish on the Falcon, comes to the same conclusion. Once they arrive at Exegol the plan is simple. Rey will take Luke to the Emperor' while Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the droids will go with the ground forces to plant charges on the large kyber crystal being used as the source for the new super weapons. Igniting it will destroy the planet. Lando will engage the limited space forces providing a distraction.

On Exegol, the Emperor awakens in a new cloned body. However, the body has massive damage. Some of the clones have the ability to use the Force, but are insane. Others are sane, but can't. This new body, a technician tells him, has been blended with a strandcast clone body they grew (what will one day become Snoke), and material from the cells taken from Luke Skywalker's severed hand. Next to the technician is Ochi of Bestoon, who recently served Vader and the Emperor. He's also the guy who would one day kill Rey's parents (note that Rey and Luke are not biologically related. The Clone body Palpy is in was created using Snoke and Luke's cells with his own to have life. Rey's father is a duplicate of Palpy). Ochi is to stay and guard as Palpatine senses the approach of Luke Skywalker and his granddaughter. Perhaps he can once again find a new body after all.

Before they arrive at Exegol, Luke pulls Rey aside for a talk. He has sensed Rey hasn't told him everything. He then tells Rey that Leia and he are the children of Darth Vader something Rey didn't really know. He also tells her that Han knows he and Leia are related but had yet to tell him about what really happened to Anakin Skywalker. Rey tells Luke she is Palpatine's granddaughter and her father was a clone of Palpatine. She took the name Skywalker to hide her true heritage, but also to honor the memory of his sacrifice to help the Resistance survive. She didn't want to tell him this, but he had wondered why he felt some connection and was relieved that at least this pretty woman wasn't related to him this time, causing Rey to laugh. But with that out of the way, Luke will keep her secret safe, and the 2 Jedi prepare for the battle.

Using the maps Rey made from memory, Han plans the assault. The strike team will divide in groups of 3 to take down the planet. 2 teams will attack outside while the 3rd sneaks in and plants the charges. Lando's forces should keep any ships occupied while Luke and Rey take down Palpy. Once they land, Luke reminds Leia to not give in to any hate and anger, only acting while being calm and trust in the Force. The teams divide up and go to work.

Palpatine prepares for the arrival of Skywalker and keeps Ochi in the background until he is needed. As the Rebel attack unfolds, he gets the call from Commander Strucker (a made up character but I needed an officer there) informing him of it. Palpatine tells him to use all available ships to destroy the Rebels. At that moment, Luke and Rey enter the chamber and ignites their lightsabers.

Han. Leia, Chewie and the droids are in the internal attack group, along with Kes Dameron, Poe's father leading the Rebel Commando squad under Solo's command. They make their way to the chamber where the kyber crystal is being kept, only to find it guarded by Sith cultists and a squad of Sith Troopers. A heavy firefight begins.

In space, Lando on the bridge of a Rebel assault frigate carries out the attack. Green squadron led in part by Shara Bey, Poe Dameron's mother, leads the A-Wing assault while Wedge Antilles leads Red Sqadron. Gold Squadron consists of Y-Wings while Grey Squadron consists of B-Wings. All fighters engage the enemy forces led by Commander Strucker who has only 3 planet killing Star destroyers ready for battle. But it isn't going well. Despite the surprise attack, the Rebel Fleet is outnumbered and outgunned.

As the Sith squads attack, Leia uses her blaster and Luke's old lightsaber to block shots as best she can while Han, Chewie and the Rebel Commando's blast back. Ham tells Kes to take a group behind the attack wave to plant the charges while they distract them. Kes nods his head and moves a small number to go with him.

Palpatine unleashes a powerful Force Lightning attack on Luke and Rey. Both Jedi are able to block it. This keeps going on until Ochi emerges from the shadows and stabs Rey with a very long knife, nearly impaling her. Badly injured, Rey is out of the fight. Luke badly wounds Ochi, who manages to escape with the bloody knife. Rey is barely able to stop the bleeding as Palpatine tells Rey the only way she'll live is if she let's him accept his consciousness and that way she can begin her true destiny as a Sith. Luke says that won't happens as he steps between Palpatine and a barely conscious Rey who has managed to stop the bleeding for now.

The space forces of the Rebels are overwhelmed until Lando receives a signal: Admiral Ackbar has arrived! A massive Rebel Fleet drops out of hyperspace and sends in ground reinforcements for General Solo. Now the Empire is the overwhelmed group, but Strucker cannot call for reinforcements as the Rebels destroy the other 2 ships, plus his. The space battle is won!

The reinforcements on the ground arrive and Kes's team plant the charges. With the Sith cultists and Troopers mowed down, Leia senses Luke is in danger and runs off to find him. Han tells Chewie to get to the Falcon with the droids and wait for them before lifting off. Chewie reluctantly agrees and they go their separate ways.

Luke is now barely able to stop a massive lightning attack. However, he soon sees familiar faces and hears familiar voices. A new voice tells Luke to not focus on protecting Rey, she can take care of herself. But he needs to drop his fear about training Jedi, Leia in particular. Once he does, he sees Anakin, Ben Kenobi and Yoda form a shield between him and Palpatine. Anakin turns to Luke and tells him he is proud of him. Ben and Yoda quickly explain that Luke will be unable to see or hear their warnings over the years because he blindly followed the old ways of training Jedi that didn't work before. Anakin tells him that the old Jedi forbade attachments and that when he married Padme, he felt guilty about having them because he didn't know how to comprehend them. While his attachment drove him to the dark side, it was his attachment to Luke that pulled him back. Yoda tells him that the old ways didn't work. Luke became a great Jedi because he had those attachments, friends and family to keep him grounded and that was what the Jedi needed to be better servants of the Force. Ben tells Luke the Jedi he heard was his master Qui-Gon Jinn, whose crystal is in Luke's lightsaber. Ben tells Luke that he, Yoda and Qui-Gon will block Palpatine's attack. In that moment, Luke sees Leia enter, lightsaber ignited. Anakin grabs Luke and they go to Leia, unseen by Palpatine. Luke meets up with Leia, who sees Anakin Skywalker. Anakin tells his children he will be with them as they take down Palpatine. All 3 Skywalker's then converge on Palpatine as Luke and Leia stab Palpatine with their lightsabers and Anakin Force pushes his body away as it explodes, taking out some nearby clone tanks. The Jedi Spirits then halt the transfer of Palpatine's essence from entering Rey while Anakin, Luke and Leia concentrate and joining him in giving Palpatine a true final death. Han runs in just in time to see this, but cannot see the spirits except for Anakin Skywalker who disappears a second later. Han tells them the charges are set and they need to go. Luke scoops up Rey and they run to the Falcon as the charges detonate and the crystal explodes. Seconds later the Falcon jumps to hyperspace as Exegol explodes, killing all the Sith cultists and the plans for the First Order and clones that would become Snoke.

On Wayland, Ochi's ship lands at the main hanger. He tells Moff Gideon that Palpatine is gone. However, he has a sample that should be cloned as they still have his DNA. After all, he tells him, why not have an Empress Palpatine?

On a distant world, 3 of the Emperor's personal servants have found the Temple of Abeloth on the planet Korriban. Former Royal Guardsman Carnor Jax, Shira Brie and Sedriss have been witnessing the statue of Abeloth begin to show signs of life when Carnor felt Palpatine die at Endor. Now that he has died again, the statue moves and the stone cracks to reveal Abeloth. It wasn't a statue but what had been keeping her contained. She drains the life energy out of Carnor and Sedriss but because she had not properly bonded with Palpatine she is weak. She will not kill Shira but will need her body to serve as a host until she can find a body to inhabit. Shira agrees, as she really has no other choice. When Abeloth inhabits her, she learns of Shira's intense hatred of Luke Skywalker.

Back at the Rebel fleet's medical frigate, Rey has finished her bacta tank immersion and is now fully healed. Mon Mothma is with her as Luke, Han, Leia, Lando, Chewie and the droids arrive to check on her. Mon Mothma wants to award Rey a medal but wants to know her last name. Rey is tempted to say Skywalker but knows that might be too hard to explain to the others. So she tells Mothma her last name is Kenobi. Rey Kenobi.

Days later, Rey and Luke arrive on Tython. Rey told Luke she sat on a stone and broadcasted to the galaxy that the Jedi have returned, and they need to come here to start training. However she had Finn to look after her while she entered a trance. She will watch over Luke while he sits. Luke sits on the stone and after a while passes out. He wakes up to find Rey had taken care of him and even healed him from his injuries sustained at Endor and Exegol. She tells him he had been asleep for about a week. He looks at himself in a mirror and sees signs of shaving cuts on his face. Rey told him she shaved his beard because he just doesn't have the face for one. Luke chuckles as a couple ships land. Their first students have arrived. This ends part one.

Part 2 would deal with Luke and Rey on an Indiana Jones type story, and I borrowed elements from Splinter Of The Mind's Eye as they would travel to Mimban and meet Halla, who would be revealed to be a Jedi Knight who guarded the Temple of the Kyber Heart. The Kyber Heart could have pieces of it taken to grow kyber. But Abeloth at this time has found the Knights of Ren, and is insisting they all use lightsabers, not just their leader Ren. Both Ren and Luke get pieces of the Kyber Heart to grow crystals. This would take place 5 years after Exegol, and about a month after Luke rescued Grogu. On Wayland, Abeloth's new body is ready: a fully grown clone of Rey. Meanwhile, Luke and Rey go to Coruscant as Leia is pregnant and gives birth to a son. Han & Leia name him Anakin.

Part 3 would be the final battle, and take place 8 years after Exegol.  Ahsoka Tano has found Ezra Bridger and the Jedi ready for the final battle with Abeloth and the Knights of Ren. Luke has found Mortis and the Jedi spring a trap. Meanwhile Grand Admiral Thrawn is also back and leads the Empire in what will be the final battle of the Galactic Civil War. As Ackbar and Thrawn meet in battle, Luke, Rey & the Jedi fight Abeloth and the Knights of Ren on Mortis. Abeloth wants Luke to sire a new race of immortals to serve as the gods of Mortis. In the final battle, Abeloth is destroyed. Thirty years after Endor, Luke Skywalker greets a new student to his Jedi Temple on Yavin 4. Finn steps off the Millennium Falcon to meet his teacher, as Luke fulfills a promise to Rey. I hadn't decided on Rey's final fate if she had lived or had died as of the planning stages. I had one plan where she lives and one where she died. In the one that she died, Anakin took over as the Father of Mortis, Ben Solo as the Son and Rey as the Daughter. Ahsoka would stay to be the bridge to the living. With Rey surviving the Jedi would abandon Mortis as the new Jedi would be on their own, as now the Force was in balance. In either ending, the Knights of Ren still exist, with some becoming Jedi. They agree to not be openly hostile towards each other. The Empire surrenders in both endings, and Leia decides to stay in the Senate and becomes Chancellor after the final battle. Leia leads the Republic, Luke builds a new Jedi Order and the Skywalker's bring in a new era of galactic peace, as I think George Lucas would have had them do it. Of course that's a speculation on my part. But that's the story. 


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