The Best VC of 2021!
Hard to believe the year is at an end. Well. Almost. But I won't be posting
anything next week so it's time to pick the top 5 VC figures of 2021, and a
couple honorable mentions for repacks. Now, the rule I follow is new figures,
using parts from old figures is okay, but 1st time in the VC. If they are all
new sculpts, I'll detail it in the description. Also, if I acquired the figure
in 2021 even though it came out in 2020, that might be on the list as well. For
the repacks, I base it off personal demand as a collector. So, I'll do the top
4, followed by the repacks and the top figure at the end of the post.
5. Bespin
Escape Leia. Somehow I got this before last Christmas, and it's a good, not
great figure. Good as in it is a long requested figure and interacts with the
Carbon Chamber playset. Not great in the fact that it is a redress of the 2010
Hoth Leia. But the new head sculpt is dead on perfect, and she can hold her
Stormtrooper blaster. Not a bad figure on or off the card, however, and worthy
of my 5th pick.
4. Purge Trooper (Entertainment Earth exclusive). Yes it's a
repaint. But it's a good repaint, adding a cloth skirt to the original
Clonetrooper body sculpt. If you aren't familiar with the Purge Trooper, they
appear in the Jedi: Fallen Order video game. My only complaint is he cannot
properly handle his oversized electro staff, but can hold a lightsaber or
blaster quite well. Honestly I flip-flopped him with Leia, but getting this
figure turned into a chore thanks to a big name shipping company who will not be
named here.
3. Bespin Lando Calrissian. What is the one figure fans have wanted
since 2010? An updated sculpt for Bespin Lando. Finally, Hasbro listened and
here he is, in all his glory. The absolute best head sculpt ever made of Billy
Dee Williams in any scale, great joint movement and a dashing cloth cape he
looks ripped right out of the screen. He is only warming pegs because he was
packed 3 per case, but this is an easy find at big box retail. Sadly, his head
does not fit on the Solo Lando, so you can't make an older Lando, but if you
only get one Lando, this is the one to get.
2. IG-11. At first glance, many
thought this would be a repaint of IG-88. Boy did Hasbro fool everybody!
Instead, they made a brand new sculpt, giving it articulation that IG-88 never
had, utilizing parts from the Legacy IG-86. He's becoming my favorite figure
from The Mandalorian and he will live forever as an action figure despite being
destroyed at the end of Season 1. Spoiler alert for the 2 people who didn't
know, LOL!
Repack Honarable Mentions:
1. TIE Fighter Pilot. If only because you
want a pilot for a diorama scene as in ROTJ, or to make a custom Imperial Agent,
or dare to make a Baron Fel custom, this was needed. The last time a TIE Pilot
was released was inside the VC TIE Fighter although not on a card. Hasbro
corrected this mistake. Still has the Jango head underneath but it's acceptable.
2. Carbonized Shoretrooper. Fans are mixed on the Carbonized figures in both the
Black Series and VC, but here, Hasbro used the same color scheme on the 3.75
inch version as they did for the 6 inch scale. Plus it reminds me of a Cylon
Commander from the original Battlestar Galactica, and is cheaper than the Black
Series version, but not by much. Back to the countdown. You should know already
who's tops in 2021.
1. Boba Fett. Like this wouldn't be number one?! Hasbro made
a brand new body sculpt, and all I can say is it's amazing. It's one of the best
figures for the VC that Hasbro has ever made, plus one that will pay off in the
long run. Why you ask? Well, sculpting a head inside the helmet to make it
removable can be helpful for not only future Boba Fett figures (Book of Boba
Fett Boba might have this feature), but the upcoming Death Watch Mando uses the
same body, so would an all new Jango Fett! Simply put, if you only get one Boba
Fett action figure, make it this. Or if you fund the Target exclusive Droids
carded Boba, it's the same sculpt with a new paint job.
I edited this to make it easier to read. If future posts like this look unorganized let me know please. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteActually DW Mando is a brand new sculpt.