What If Part 4 The Finale!

The Corvette carrying the Jedi drops out of hyperspace in a remote sector. Luke and Ezra make their way to the bridge and see a couple Mandalorian Gauntlet fighters waiting outside. Ezra grins and tells Luke that she's here and brought help. As the ships dock, the door slides open to reveal Sabine Wren, and a team of Mandalorians. Kanan Bridger is happy to see his mother again, and Luke notices Kanan has changed into Mandalorian armor. As the Mandalorian board, the Jedi all assemble and Ezra & Sabine lay out the plan: Kyle, Voe, Kanan & the Mandalorians will go to where the other crystal mine is, and set charges to detonate it, as Luke, Hennix & Ezra will go to a chamber where it's possible Palpatine may be taking refuge in. Voe asks where they got this information from, when Luke tells them all he learned the layout from someone who escaped long ago, a woman he desperately wanted to help but couldn't. She left a map of the installation to him. Hennix now speaks up and says Sabine got the map from Ezra after Luke had given it to him. Hennix also understands why Luke had a secret Jedi Order as Ezra is definitely outside the standard Jedi Knight. Luke had hoped to train younger students, to placate Ben but now has come to the realization that was the wrong way. Starting training at an older age is what will work best going forward.

On Snoke's ship, the prison door opens and a young man with dark skin and hair walks in. "I need your help, please! I want to get out of here!" Leia senses his frustrations and helps him calm down. She asks him his name, which he tells her is FN-2187. Han jokingly says he'll just call him Finn. Finn knows where he can take them to escape via a shuttle. Leia agrees to help him as Han and Chewie help themselves to blasters. Leia pauses for a moment. I can't leave without Ben, she tells Han, who doesn't want her going after him alone. The Force is with me, Leia says as her lightsaber pops out of her sleeve. She will distract them long enough to escape, and vows to meet them at the shuttle bay, and with their son.

Snoke tells Ben they are near Exegol when he senses a shift in the Force. The elevator door opens to reveal Leia Organa, her blue bladed lightsaber ignited and calmly walking towards Snoke. Ben wants to ignite his and charge her but he doesn't. Leia calls out Snoke for corrupting her son, and vows to stop him here and now. Snoke takes Ren's lightsaber and attacks Leia as they duel. Leia seems overwhelmed at first but eventually disarms and beheads Snoke, ending him. Ben looks in stunned silence as Leia turns off her lightsaber and extends her hand to Ben. Son, it's time to come home. Whatever you did, we can get through this. Ben is torn, but then hears a sickening voice from the holo emitter, and sees Palpatine addressing him. "Ben Solo...you must meet your destiny!"

The Jedi arrive on Exegol and split up. Luke, Hennix and Ezra make their way to where they think Palpatine is while the rest look to detonate the kyber crystal that they now see looks to power dangerous new weapons.

Han and Chewie are led to the shuttle bay by Finn when suddenly they are surrounded. Phasma tells Finn he is a disappointment and will be executed. Before that can happen, Leia and Ben enter, surrounded by the Knights of Ren. Ben tells Phasma he has killed Snoke and that they have set course to Exegol as Palpatine has called them to do. Han looks shocked, all Ben does is glare at him before telling him he and his wife will soon see his true master.

Lando Calrissian has gathered help from old friends: Wedge Antilles, Norra Wexley, Poe Dameron, Hera Syndulla and military forces led by Admiral Ackbar.  The battle begins as they bombard the star destroyers who only have skeleton crews. However, several begin to power up and engage the task force.

Kanan, Kyle, Voe & Tai make it to the crystal, and encounter some resistance from Sith Troopers. They make quick work of them, and plant the explosives. However, as by now Ben Solo and the First Order have arrived, Phasma has them trapped. Voe senses something off, but chooses not to say anything. Kanan has a strange smile on his face. Phasma doesn't know he planted several hidden bombs just in case this happened.

In the lower levels, Luke, Hennix and Ezra confront Palpatine. Igniting their lightsabers they charge as Palpatine attacks them with Force lightning. He cackles as Ezra and Hennix are overwhelmed and collapse. "Now young Skywalker, it's just...us." Palpatine gloats. But soon they aren't alone. Ben arrives with Finn, Han & Leia. "Welcome my young apprentice!" Palpatine says as Ben comes to him. "Now we are here for your coronation as a Sith Lord...just one thing: kill Luke Skywalker!" Ben stares at Palpatine and then to his uncle. He ignites his lightsaber and charges Luke. Before Ben can strike Luke, 3 images appear before him: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. He pauses before he can strike. Anakin tells him he isn't lost. Now is the time to make his decision. Yoda reminds him he wouldn't kill the miner. Obi-Wan reminds him that he couldn't kill Chewbacca. He then turn to face Palpatine. "No.' Luke stands by Ben as Hennix and Ezra recover and ignite their lightsabers. Leia ignites hers as Han, Finn and Chewie grab their blasters.

The space battle goes well, but Palpatine's forces gain an advantage destroying one of the Republic cruisers. Wedge and Poe divide their fighters to take out the lead star destroyer while Ackbar moves part of his fleet to flank them. The space battle is soon over.

Phasma orders the troops to open fire, but Kyle rips their weapons out of their hands. Tai senses and soon yells that Ben has turned back to the light side. Voe then ignites her lightsaber and deflects Phasma's shots, and then takes her out permanently. Kanan tells them the timer is running and they need to go now.

Palpatine attacks the Jedi with lightning. Ezra and Hennix go down, Hennix sacrifices his life to save Ezra from a killing blow. It's now Palpatine against Luke, Leia and Ben. Anakin appears and tells Palpatine "This is the end for you, Master." They charge Palpatine as Ben and Leia block his lightning with their lightsabers and with Anakin's help Luke delivers the killing blow, splitting Palpatine in half. Anakin hurls his corpse away as it explodes. Ezra wakes up and cradles Hennix. He knows Kanan has set the bombs. They flee just as Exegol explodes.

Epilogue: 5 years later, Luke and Ben arrive on Jakku. Luke has agreed to take the Jedi in the direction Ezra and Ahsoka wanted to. Ben is a fully trained Jedi Knight and Luke has found his first student for his nephew. A young scavenger named Rey. They see her bring her gear, and introduce themselves. Luke tells her Ben can train her to be a Jedi...

The End.


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