What if Part 2

Leia arrives home and can immediately sense something is wrong. Luke then tells them Ben has fallen to the dark side. Han and Leia assume it's this Snoke person Ben had told them about. Lando asks who this Snoke person is, when Luke drops another bombshell. Luke says Palpatine is alive, and living through Snoke. Tai, Voe and Hennix are stunned, as are Han, Leia and Lando. From some information he had gathered, Luke tells of a way Palpatine returned. Before he can speak about it, Lando asks if this had anything to do with Grogu. Luke nods his head. Leia asks who is Grogu when Luke tells them Grogu was one of his first students. Moff Gideon had been working on collecting genetic material from Force sensitive beings, and Grogu had told Luke about that. Luke drops another bombshell as he says that he and Lando have a back up Jedi Temple on a remote world, where Grogu is currently at. Voe is visibly upset, Tai is shocked and Hennix acts as if he knew about this. But Luke reminds them that the goal is to find Ben.

On a remote outer rim world, the Knights of Ren launch an attack on a small mining colony. Ben helps round up citizens and rips the weapons they use out of their hands and cuts them in half with his lightsaber. Ren reminds Ben that he is the one who uses his lightsaber, a red bladed one (which is called Ren, where the Knights take their name from). The Knights take villagers into a town square and witness the arrival of Captain Phasma and First Order Stormtroopers. Phasma steps out a transport and addresses the miners, the First Order is in charge. They have a choice: join or die. The miners look nervous, even more when Ap'lek the Knight of Ren who wields the large ax walks to one of the miners. Ren stops him from swinging. Ren ignites his lightsaber and points his blade at Ben. You do it, kid he tells him. Ben swallows and ignites his lightsaber and puts the blade to the chin of a person, his age he guesses. But, he cannot do it. He deactivates his lightsaber. Ren then cuts off the head of a random miner kneeling beside him. Phasma then orders all villagers sent to be processed as slave labor. As they depart, Ren tells Ben he's a disappointment. Ben can also sense Snoke is aware, and is upset.

Han, Leia and Chewbacca depart Hosnian Prime in the Millennium Falcon and head to the unknown regions, where they believe Ben may be. Luke, Lando and the Jedi board Lando's ship Lady Luck and make their way to Ossus where the alternate Jedi Temple is located. As they arrive on Ossus, they are greeted by a woman close to 80 years old, but Tai, Voe and Hennix feel how strong the Force is with her. "It's good to see you, Verla" Luke says. She nods and says Grogu has been expecting them. As they enter, Voe angrily asks Luke why they weren't told about this temple and these people, as nearly 2 dozen people live and train here. "You'll soon learn why, Voe. It's something I hoped had not been true, but needed to know. It's all connected to what the Empire used Grogu for. Now, it's playing out." They stop in a room, which is a mock up of the old Jedi Council chambers. There are 12 seats, 5 remain empty until Verla takes the 8th seat. Sitting at the front are a woman with white hair and to her right a man with light blonde hair, who are slightly younger than Luke. Sitting in the main seat is Grogu, who now has blue eyes and neatly trimmed brown hair. "Welcome back, Master." He tells Luke. "Trouble I sense." Luke nods his head. "Ben has fallen to the dark side. His patents are going after him, but we have bigger problems." The white haired woman nods and speaks in a melodious voice "Snoke. He's made his move at last." The blonde man nodded, and adds "The time has come. We've sensed his presence, yet something else as well. A place of darkness." Lando chimes in "It's called Exegol. Nearly impossible to get to." One of the other council members speaks up, he has a slightly salt and pepper hair and beard "But we have a Sith wayfinder in out possession. We can go there now, if needed." Luke turns to his students, "Voe, Tai and Hennix: you have now met Grogu, next to him are Tionne, and Kam Solusar." He points to Verla "You met Verla when we arrived." Voe narrows her eyes and interrupts Luke "Master Skywalker told us about you. You tried to kill him and vowed to if he came to you again!" Verla nods her head and responds "True. But I came to Luke years later, after he rescued Grogu from Moff Gideon. You see, I felt his call on Tython, we all did." Grogu then speaks "Connected by the Force we all are. Anger I sense in you, Voe. That is the path to the dark side." Kyle Katarn speaks up "We all have emotions, we just need to learn not to be ruled by them." Voe nods her head. "I apologize." She looks to Luke. He finishes introducing the others: Kyle Katarn, Kirana Ti, Kyp Durron & Dorsk 81. Tai asks what else are they looking for. Luke explains he came across some old Sith relics that gave clues how a Sith Lord could escape death. Grogu now adds that he was captured to be used as stock to breed a strandcast clone body. Luke adds these were his first students, but one day came to the realization that Jedi training needed to start earlier, even though that wasn't how he was trained. He hoped for Ben's sake, if other children were around him and getting trained, what happened to Vader (he has never told his new students that Vader was his father) would not happen again.

Han, Leia & Chewbacca make their way to the outer rim world where Ben is. As the Falcon lands, Leia can sense the FO Stormtroopers closing in on them. Leia convinces Han & Chewie to surrender with her. Phasma takes them out and brings them to Ren. Ben Solo senses the arrival of his parents, and his thoughts once again turn conflicted. Phasma brings them to Ren, who has an idea. Ben arrives to see his parents, who plead for him to come back with them. "I can't." is all Ben says. Ren reminds Ben that to become a Ren Knight, he has to make a good kill, killing someone close to him. Ben stares at his mother and father, and his guardian Chewbacca. He ignites his lightsaber and moves toward them.

End part 2.


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