The other sorta Zahn Trilogy

As Bantam was ending their run of Star Wars books in 1998, the man who started their run would be the one to end it. And of course, it was going to be big. Known as the Hand of Thrawn duology, it would bring the war between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic to an end, and lead to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade getting married. Of course, this was written just before The Phantom Menace hit movie theaters.

Specter of the Past is the 1st book. The story starts off wirh a bang as Admiral Pellaeon decides the time is now to surrender. Meanwhile Han takes Luke on a diplomatic mission while Mara Jade and Talon Karrde help Leia out at Wayland. Meanwhile, is Grand Admiral Thrawn back as the New Republic deals with a major internal incident which could spark a civil war?!

Vision of the Future has Luke going to rescue Mara who investigated a lead in the previous novel. Leia and Han with an assist from Lando try to keep the Republic from fighting each other while an ambitious Imperial officer has his plans defeated and "Thrawn" is exposed as a fraud. Luke and Mara fall in love, and plan their future as the peace treaty is signed.

Survivor's Quest was published by Del Ray after the Prequel Trilogy hit movies, and years after the Hand of Thrawn had been written. It covers Luke and Mara going with the Chiss to honor Outbound Flight, only to find there are survivors.

Now reading the 2 Hand of Thrawn books are recommended. However, I would add Survivor's Quest to make it a trilogy since it ties into the events of those 2 novels, and puts the Skywalker's in a new point in their lives before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. While the Thrawn Trilogy is Zahn's best work, this "trilogy" is right up there. So I would highly recommend reading all 3, but would also recommend reading Outbound Flight before reading any of these books.


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