Kenner Wish List & Holy Grails

The Vintage Kenner figures and products do not hold up well when compared to Hasbro's modern toys and role play items. However, seeing them brings back nostalgic memories. Seeing toy stores in shopping malls having the figures on the racks, going to friend's houses and playing with the toys and the role playing items. Even when I take mine out of storage for annual physical checks (looking for loose limbs, any paint loss, etc) I get a feeling of comfort for simpler times. But, like many who have gotten back into the Vintage Kenner game, I have big holes in my collection, some are Holy Grails. I know I likely won't get them, but it would be nice if I did! In no particular order:


1. General Lando. One of the last figures made, he is hard to find and worth a fortune on the secondary market.

2. Brown hair Luke (ANH & ESB). A 2-fer, later in the Kenner run they made brown haired Luke's from the 1st 2 films. Why? I have no idea. Yet. But they are also pricey.

3. Greedo. Looks nothing like he did on screen, but Han needs somebody to shoot, LOL!

4. Hammerhead. He looks cool. Plus the POTF2 version looks great, but I missed out on this guy.

5. Walrus Man. I like the classic aliens. Sue me.

6. IG-88, Zuckuss, Dengar & Bossk. I have Fett, but he needs competition.


1. Dagobah Playset. This is needed for Luke's training. Plus I want to make R2 "sink".

2. Death Star Playset. Looks so cool in pictures. Plus you can kinda re-use it for ROTJ

3. Ewok Village. I could probably get this by buying the Robin Hood Playset since it's cheaper, and the same playset. Plus I love Ewoks!

4. Darth Vader's Star Destroyer. I have obsessed over this ever since I discovered it existed. Has all he needs from ESB, plus a way for Vader to torture those that fail him: hanging figures upside down!

Vehicles (In order of preference)

1. A-Wing. This mold was reused for the POTF2, but I love this look the best.

2. Y-Wing. Has a socket for R2-D2 or R5-D4.

3. TIE Interceptor. The best Vintage Fighter, well for the Imperials anyway.

4. Mini Rigs. All of them. They are awesome.

Role Play Items (counting down)

2. Luke Skywalker's blaster. It looks like his from ESB, but it had a ROTJ sticker on it so I called it Han's blaster even though the box said Luke. Had electric "laser" sounds!

1. The Force Lightsaber (green). I want this more than I want a date with Eva Mendes. The gyroscope noise was a lot of fun, and when I played with this at friend's houses, I was Luke Skywalker! I never owned this, just had the knock off plastic tube attached to a flashlight. Which was fun, but The Force Lightsaber is my top Kenner Holy Grail.


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