Black Series 2nd Best/3rd Worst

Black Series 2nd Best & 3rd Worst

3rd Worst

Starkiller Han Solo

I'm not doing Disney Trilogy hate, but this figure is pointless. Just like the upcoming 4th worst figure. Here, we see Han in an outfit he wears for all of 10 seconds onscreen. Han in a winter coat is not needed or wanted, unless it's Hoth Han. No, we should have gotten his main look from Episode 7. Instead the 3.75 inch toy line got Han's main look in the 5 POA line. Had this figure had been Han's main look instead, it might have made my best list. Plus they could have reused the buck for an updated Bespin Han Solo.

2nd Best

Darth Plagueis

I love Sith Lord figures. Sidious, Malak, Revan, Nihilus, Bane, Maul, Tyrannus, Malgus, Krayt & Vader. They are awesome. Plus, Jedi need enemies to fight. Plagueis is from Legends as we have no idea what he looks like in new Canon. He's a Muun, so he is thin and tall. He comes with a breath mask (which is easily lost, I have no clue where I put it), a cloak which fits him well (except for the hood), & a staff which you can plug his lightsaber into. The articulation for this figure is great, the limbs are thin, but they are durable. Movement isn't an issue. I like the head sculpt, as he can pass for the younger or injured older version. If you have read the Darth Plagueis novel (next on my wish list) this figure is depicted from the pages of that book. He is essential to your collection and I am fortunate I got this figure cheaply on the secondary market since he goes for a small fortune there.


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