Why the Sequel Trilogy will one day be loved.

I don't like the sequel trilogy. Now that we know there was no plan, fans like me who were called racist, sexist and haters of women because we didn't like it can feel vindicated. Personally, I don't know anyone who hated the sequels because of Finn, Rey, Rose or Poe. Their characters were poorly written.

But what about the sequel trilogy fans? Are they Star Wars fans? Of course! Embracing something you enjoy should not be hindered by what others think of it. That goes for fans of Twilight, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc etc.

When the prequels came out, I liked them. I didn't like them as much as the OT, but I knew George Lucas was telling a story, and we knew Obi-Wan, Anakin/Vader, Threepio and Artoo would survive. It took a lot of drama out of it, but I liked it. Fans then, not so much. Hasbro after 2005 focused on OT products (sound familiar?!) & sprinkled in a prequel character a few times.

Now, the prequels are beloved by fans. The Clone Wars helped, don't get me wrong. The micro series and the animated 2008 George Lucas produced series gave more depth to Obi-Wan & Anakin than Episodes 1-3 ever could. Among the most requested toys by fans are Count Dooku, an updated AOTC Padme, Theed Battle Padme, Anakin with a new head sculpt and various clones and Clonetroopers.

The point I'm getting at is one day, the sequels will get the same love from fans. Maybe not my generation of fans, but ones that are younger now. I've seen it with the prequels. I think the sequels will get the same level one day. Heck, I still want some sequel trilogy Vintage Collection figures (Ep 9 Finn, Poe & Rose, Lt. Connix, all the Knights of Ren, Ben Solo, unmasked Kylo Ren-updated leg articulation and a new FO Stormtrooper and Phasma). Now if you excuse me, I want to pose my Black Series Jar Jar meeting my Endor Luke & Leia while Rey and Finn look on...


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