Black Series 2nd Worst & 3rd Best

Black Series 3rd Best & 2nd Worst

2nd Worst

First Order Stormtrooper.

This isn't bashing the sequel trilogy, so please no hate for me there. This figure just stinks. The paint apps are sloppy, the chest joint is way too loose, he can barely stand and cannot hold his blaster rifle well at all! But there are some good points, he can hold the pistol quite well, and the thigh notch can hold both the blaster and pistol. Now that Hasbro has remade the OT Stormtrooper with enhanced articulation and the Sith Trooper, Hasbro really needs to do the same for this figure. I have a ton of these thanks to the $4 Wal Mart clearance, where this was an exclusive.

3rd Best


Rogue One showed us Deathtroopers in the trailer and I knew I needed tons of these figures IMMEDIATELY!!! For a change, the 3.75 inch toyline got something the 6 inch line didn't: the pauldron. But also the 6 inch line got something the 3.75 line didn't: a holster (of sorts) for the pistol. The sculpt is very well done and the trooper is all black except for the eyes on the helmet which aren't. He comes with a removable pauldron, long rifle and pistol. This is one of the best troop builders because of the pauldron, and yes they can fit the new Stormtroopers as well! This figure is taller than the standard Stormtrooper figure. The articulation is excellent, and I only had 1 figure (out of 10) that had too tight an arm joint that sadly broke off. This is a great figure and I scored most of mine in the great Wal Mart $4 clearance.

Both of these figures have been placed on VC cards. The Deathtrooper is the hardest to find of the 2, and is one of the hardest to find at all.


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