
Showing posts from February, 2021

Sequel Trilogy: Must haves for the VC Ep 7

Let me start by saying I am no fan of the sequels. They are poorly written, directed and they had no plan except to crap on the OT and make the Rebels win at Endor as hollow as possible. But, there are some visually interesting characters. Since I'm in charge of my content, here are the figures needed from Episode 7 in the VC. A couple figures need photo real head sculpts or new ones. Plus creatures, and vehicles. Let's go! 1. Finn and Rey: Finn could use photo real head sculpt while Rey needs a new one, and be as she was on Tarkadona so she won't have her gloves on. 2. Han and Leia: They got love in the Black Series, but Hasbro effed up not giving us General Leia and Old Man Han! Just don't give Han a lightsaber wound. I'm still not over it. 3. Chewbacca. Take the Smuggler's Run figure and place it on a Ep 7 card. Done! 4. Maz Kanata. Maz should come with the chest that had Anakin/Luke's lightsaber. 5. Unkar Plutt. Rey's boss. Plus he needs a re

New VC figures!

While they aren't available yet for preorder, Bespin Lando and IG-11 from The Mandalorian were shown today.


Coming in at # 20 is the Rebel Fleet Trooper which is also available in the Tantive IV Playset. While no holster, it isn't a bad figure. Had they made variant heads of this figure to give you more variety, this would be higher up on my list.


At 21st, it's the TIE Fighter Pilot, which recently got a repack. It has no motion issues, fits well in many vehicles, plus makes for a great custom for making Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles Imperial pilot figures. The repack does a better job on the gloss painted armor and if you wanted to make an Imperial Agent figure, this is a good one to start with.


Coming in at # 22, much like Ep 8 was over hyped, so too was this figure. Crait Luke has an impressive head sculpt, but gets negative points for the non removable cloak which inhibits his waist movement, and his arms have to be twisted in order to bend normally. His unlit hilt fits well on his belt, but he can also easily hold his green lightsaber if you wish to re-enact The Rise of Kylo Ren issue 2.


At 23rd in my countdown, I picked one of the more popular comic book characters in the new Canon, Dr Cheli Aphra! Aphra is well sculpted, despite being based off of artist drawings. My only complaint is her blaster falls out of her holster to easily. She also needs a custom stand, but you are okay not putting her on one if you take her out of the card. She was also available in a SDCC exclusive 3 pack with her droids Triple Zero and BT-1.


Coming in at # 24 is Hoth Luke! He can fit perfectly on the Tauntaun and his blaster and unlit lightsaber hilt perfectly fit into his holster and belt respectively. Even better is Hoth Luke will soon get a repack, albeit with a photo real head sculpt. Also, one of the first Star Wars figure I ever had was the 1980 version.


Coming in at # 25 on my VC Countdown is Denver, who was also the 1st figure released in the VC in 2010! He has a great sculpt that has held up well over time, but I'm not a fan of the belt easily coming off, to keep it on you need to glue it. Also, his pistol sometimes doesn't want to stay in the holster. But he's still an incredible figure, and hopefully gets another release one day.

Top 25 VC Figures

Starting my countdown of my personal Top 25 for the Vintage Collection. Excluded are Legacy Collection, and the 3.75 inch figures unless they were released on a vintage card. I'll go from 11-25 in small detail while going into more detail on the top 10 figures. It all starts this Sunday!


This is my blog about Star Wars, while Sunday is in the title I'll post as often as possible but mostly on Sunday's. I'll also be posting my fan fiction plots, and link to interesting fan fictions, fan art and talk collectibles (Vintage Collection and other 3.75 inch action figures). I will focus mainly on the Lucas Era, and Legends. From Disney I'll focus on Rogue One, Solo, Rebels and Resistance.