
Old Master Maul Black Series Review

  I've been talking for a while about how I would start to do Black Series reviews here, and after taking some bad pictures, last week gave me a chance to shoot better pictures. And with my Vintage Collection Prequel figures in temporary storage, I figured it's time to kick off some Black Series reviews. And since today is the 25th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace, why not cover what is the best version of the movie's main villain in Maul! No longer Darth, but a dangerous man nonetheless. And if you only own 1 Maul Black Series figure, this is the one you want!  As you can see in some of the photos below, Maul is quite flexible! Maul has 21 POA, and is surprisingly well balanced. Getting these photos was quite easy, and required little effort for some poses.  I had no tight joints on my figure. As to his lightsaber, well, more on that when talking about his lone accessory. While this Maul figure is similar to his appearance in both Solo and Rebels, it is based off his appe

The Phantom Menace At 25

 25 years ago today, The Phantom Menace debuted in theaters all over the US, and the world. It had been 16 years since Return of the Jedi came in theaters, and since I was much older, this release would stick more with me since I could experience everything: new books, comics, action figures, clothes and other promotions. At the time of the release, I was a full time college student, and worked 2 jobs. So how did I manage to not only get time off work, but navigate the most anticipated movie premiere of my life up to that point?! Well, time to take a journey back to 1999, and the poster that is still my favorite from TPM:  The planning had started for me at the end of April. I knew finals week was the premiere, but it wouldn't be until early May when the schedule was released as to when your finals would be. And it wasn't released on the school website back then, but instead the school paper. But right away, I had a problem. I had already bought a ticket for a 10 AM showing on

Count Dooku Vintage Collection Review

  Well, it's about freaking time! For as long as the Vintage Collection had returned, collectors had demanded that Count Dooku get a figure in the line. There have been several before and I'll show them further down. But all I have to say about it, is that the wait has been worth it! The card image is from the film, and is amazing! The back of the card just shows the figure and the card with some words on the back. As I've mentioned before this is how the VC will be going forward so no more images of other figures on the back. I believe this was done to not spoil future VC figures, something Hasbro has had happen in the past.  Dooku has the standard 17 POA, and has the barbell hips so he can still be posed in action, despite the plastic skirt. It doesn't badly inhibit lower body movement one bit. None of the joints are too tight, or too loose. Since the late Christopher Lee was a tall man, his figure is quite tall as well. He's taller than Obi-Wan and Anakin in one

The 1st Midnight Madness May 3, 1999

 The excitement over a new Star Wars movie dominated my mind since I read in Parade Magazine in 1993 that George Lucas was going to start writing the Prequels. When the Special Editions came in 1997, I knew it was only a matter of time. In fall of 1997 showed some behind the scenes photos of Liam Neeson and Ray Park (he was only shown wearing a black cloak, and he wasn't named in the photo). The appetite was there, and then the trailer dropped and Meet Joe Black sold out screens, only to have most of the audience leave after the Episode 1 trailer was shown. I saw it with Enemy of the State, which starred Will Smith and Gene Hackman. A good movie! But, I'm going to talk about the toys, those wonderful toys Hasbro/Kenner was making. POTF2 came back strong in 1995. By the end of 1998, the number of Star Wars characters made far surpassed the 96 Kenner had made. But, a new era would soon begin.  Now technically, the 1st Prequel figures came out in 1978. Jawas, Tusken R

St Tammany Comic Con

 In the state of Louisiana, counties are called parishes. In St Tammany parish every April and October (the next 2024 show is in November) is the St Tammany Comic Con, which us in the town of Mandeville, LA. I discovered this small convention in 2022, and managed to find a Kenner Holy Grail, and another last year. Guests there aren't numerous but there have been a couple who I knew, Deep Roy, the actor who played all the Oompa Loompa parts in Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka movie, and John Morten, who played Dak in The Empire Strikes Back. But this time, WWE Hall of Famer Sgt Slaughter was there! And yes I got to meet him, and get his autograph, as well as a special collectable from the Sarge! Sadly, nobody there cosplayed as Cobra Commander last Saturday, but if they had, it would have been great to see Cobra Commander in the Cobra Clutch!  A big advantage in the St Tammany Con is the merchandise prices are fair. Fan Expo NOLA is a bit of a near rip off. This year, inflation did hit

Phase I Clonetrooper VC Review

 Here it is, nearly the end of April, and I finally have a figure released in 2024 that I can review in 2024. Which shows why one retailer, Target, has stopped carrying the Vintage Collection. I'll talk about that more at a later time. When Hasbro made the Phase II Clonetrooper last year, we in the collecting community knew it would only be a matter of time until we got a Phase I Clonetrooper, and it is worth the wait!  Honestly, that card image is perfect! I didn't get a figure to keep on card, but I probably should, as I had hoped it would be the image used on the card back when this figure was announced to be arriving soon.  It's from one of the best shots of Attack of the Clones! Definitely a great choice!  The articulation is excellent! He has 17 points of articulation (POA),  including the new barbell hips. He's very easy to pose, and can achieve almost any pose you can think of. I didn't get one with him doing a two-handed weapon grip (THWG), but it should be

Wondercon Reveals; Taking A Break

 Some big news this week as last Saturdays Wondercon reveals, another writer has been brought on to the James Mangold First Jedi movie, and there's a new animated anthology series coming on May 4th, the same day we learn what the new Vintage Collection HasLab will be.  TALES OF THE EMPIRE A 2nd season of Tales Of The Jedi had been announced, but this was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one! Morgan Elsbeth is one of the featured characters, and we will also get an idea on the fate of Barris Offee, as she becomes an Inquisitor. It looks like we'll see how we first meet Morgan in the 2nd season of The Mandalorian, along with the elimination of the Dathomir Witches. Screenshot from Yakface.  WONDERCON REVEALS  Black Series Hammerhead  This will be a deluxe priced figure, but I have to say it looks excellent! He'll come with 3 cups to share with friends: so far the only Black Series Cantina figures are Ponda Baba & Dr Evazan, who I managed to find at Ollie's pretty